January is all about New Year’s resolutions – setting goals in various areas from waking up earlier, to reading more books – in order to better our everyday lives. A new year offers a fresh start and new opportunities to become the people we’ve always wanted to be. One of the resolutions you may hear often is to “do more good” throughout the year. If this is one of your goals, we are here to make it easy.
Each year Norfolk Friends of Foster Care is able to expand our programs with the help of people just like you. We come together as a community with a common goal of giving children in foster care the resources they need to live happy, healthy lives. The desire to give is strong throughout Hampton Roads, and we have seen it firsthand through the projects we’ve organized. If you’re looking for a way to give to the foster care community this year, now is the perfect time to start. We are seeking sponsorships and donations for Academic Tutoring, Extracurricular Activities, Camperships and Birthday Gifts for 2018!
Of course, one of the most impactful ways you can make a difference in your community is by providing a caring home to a child in need. As of December 2017, there were 5,200 children in foster care in the commonwealth of Virginia. These children need loving, stable homes to grow and thrive. Becoming a foster parent is one of the greatest ways you can help create better outcomes for foster children. As Rita Pierson once said, “Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they can become the best they can possibly be.” This year, you can be that champion.
It is a big decision to become a foster parent, and we know it can be overwhelming to consider making this commitment. That is why Norfolk Friends of Foster Care partners with the Norfolk Department of Human Services to help support foster parents every step of the way. Together we offer amazing programs to get you started and keep you on track to have a great foster care experience.
If you’re ready to make a difference in 2018 by becoming a foster parent, start by contacting the Norfolk Department of Human Services or your local social service agency for more information and upcoming training session dates.